Board of Civil Authority/Abatement/Justices of the Peace

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Board of Civil Authority / Abatement / Justices of the Peace officers:

Tina Otis
Term expires 1/25/2025

Lee Martenson
Term expires 1/25/2025

Fred Kidder
Term expires 1/25/2025

Sue Perreault
Term expires 1/25/2025

Lee Youngman
Term expires 1/25/2025

The Board of Civil Authority is a quasi-judicial eleven-member board consisting of five Justices of the Peace, three Selectboard members and the Town Clerk.

The Board’s duties include: serving as election officials and assisting on Election Day, sitting in on the tax appeals process and serving as a member of the Board of Tax Abatement.

Meetings are held on an as-needed basis after being duly warned by the clerk.